United Business Services
Self Managed Super Funds
A self-managed super fund (SMSF) allows you to be in control of your own super investments for your retirement. We have assisted clients on setting up their own SMSF’s, in accordance with the law and reporting to the ATO on its operation. The key principle is that you run your Self-Managed Super Fund for the sole purpose of providing retirement benefits to fund members. It gives you wider investment choice and greater control over investments. It also provides flexibility in the payment of retirement benefits, such as pensions and annuities, directly from the fund.
UBS can help you establish your own Self-Managed Super Fund:
- Preparing your Self Managed Super Fund Deed.
- Completing and Lodging your application forms.
- Providing Trustee declarations.
- Preparation and lodgement of your SMSF’s annual income tax and regulatory returns.
- SMSF’s annual financial statements (preparation).
- Preparing all necessary minutes of meetings.
- An annual audit of your SMSF.
Call us today on +61 2 9534 8744 or visit our contact us page for further enquiries. Also keep an eye on our facebook page and blog page for interesting articles and special offers.
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